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cool game proo!


(2 edits) (+1)

Very cool game!
I like that the game lets you stop the ball and throw it again.
The extra obstacles

A good feature you could consider adding is a free-camera mode to allow the player to spectate the level ahead.

The difficulty felt like it increased a bit too much on the later levels. Sadly balancing game difficulty is a hard thing in general.
One idea i would propose you is to watch other people play your game and see where they struggle, then try to find why.

For me the hardest obstacle were the rotating spiky fans.
I found it a bit hard to aim properly (more precisely, to pick the correct force so that it passes along multiple rotating spiky fans) and i had a hard time when there were a lot of these.
In my short observation (i finished level 17) most of the difficulty came from having a lot of obstacles that i had to overcome until the next goal/checkpoint. Maybe you can add multiple difficulties that modify the number of checkpoints on levels? (example: easy - a lot more checkpoints; casual - more checkpoints; hard - current checkpoints; insane - no checkpoints at all)

I believe i found a visual bug where when you grab the moving ball to throw it again the camera moves but the aim-line doesn't.

Attaching cropped screenshot below:

Overall the game was very enjoyable and fun to play.
Thanks a lot!!! :D


thank you so much for this advice's i will update the game today but about the visual bug : its not a bug the line is attached to the screen , to tell your where you started dragging and where are you aiming and the force your throwing the ball with,

so if i make it move with the camera it will be frustrating and hard to control the ball when the camera is moving fast.

thanks again for this comment :D

(6 edits) (+1)

An idea would be to not attach the second end of the line to the mouse but instead attach the first one to the ball.
I would also try to hide the cursor when doing that, so that the user doesn't get to see that the mouse is not where he's aiming at, and show the cursor again after the shooting is done.

Effectively you still have the line represent the relative mouse movement, but hide the mouse so it isn't visible that the mouse and the line's end are not at the same place because of the camera movement.

Well... that might or might not feel/look better, but you can try and see if you like it..

On a side note,
Could you not require that the player to actually click at the ball to start aiming a shot?
It's a bit hard to click on the ball when the camera has moved, and sometimes i feel like i do click on it but it just doesn't accept my clicks properly. Being able to start a shot by clicking anywhere would make the game easier to play.

That one might be a bit more about me having hard time completing the game and blaming it rather my skills, but would like to hear your opinion on it.
Keep in mind this is your game and you decide how to develop it.

Huh, i can actually start anywhere when the ball is not moving.
And i can't figure out where i can and can't do so when the ball is moving.

Edit 2:
I think i figured that mechanic: You can't start a shot if the ball is moving too fast.
Now that i know i can actually start dragging anywhere, it does make sense why you did the line that helps with the aim that way.

Edit 3:
This has become a wall of text at this point... Sorry about that.
If the player is expected to play slowly (as you can't stop and redirect a fast ball), doesn't this make the game a bit speedrun unfriendly?

i was going to  answer but it seems like you have figured this out,

and my answer was going to be: look at the tip in the game description

and there will be a quality update very soon